Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
SB Physiotherapy remains open for both face to face and virtual consultations. The health, wellbeing and safety of our patients and staff at SB Physiotherapy is our first priority, so we want to reassure you that we have stringent COVID secure processes in place.
We continue to follow guidance set out by The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and NHS England in relation to infection prevention and control. The following measures remain in place within our practice:
Hand sanitising stations are available to all visitors when entering and leaving our clinic
Physiotherapists will continue to wear a surgical face mask at all times
Further PPE (aprons and gloves) may be worn if deemed necessary by the treating Physiotherapist
Patients and visitors are asked to wear a face mask or face covering inside the clinic
All patient contact areas are fully sanitised between appointments and at regular intervals throughout the day.
Routine staff testing
Our covid-19 policy is available on request.
📞 07904 263 212